
Uma disciplina das artes marciais onde uma pessoa tem que se defender contra vários adversários sem saber como vão atacar ou em que ordem os ataques serão realizados.

Descubra os nossos serviços

A RandoriSec é uma empresa especializada na segurança ofensiva. As nossas competências assentam na vasta experiência da nossa equipa, permitindo-nos ajudar os nossos clientes em questões de cibersegurança.

Fale connosco

A nossa equipa está disponível para avaliar as suas necessidades


Últimos artigos

Os nossos consultores gostam de partilhar dicas práticas e truques usados durante os nossos projetos. Aproveite já!

[PUBLICATION] Operation triangulation - Keychain module analysis

Tom Maraval 1 min

Our first blogpost of the year is about our analysis of the Operation triangulation spyware. We’ve digged into the keychain module of the spyware and detailed the iOS keychain internals. You can find it here. This …


[NEWS] Introducing Shindan, your automated smartphone and tablet security analysis solution

Davy Douhine 1 min

An important milestone has been reached at RandoriSec! Since 2015,we’ve been offering our expertise as cybersecurity consulting services and today we’re launching our first software solution: Shindan

Shindan …


[CONFERENCE] GreHack 2023

RandoriSec 9 min

This year again we were a sponsor of the GreHack conference. Several consultants from RandoriSec attended the conference. As usual, you can find a quick review of our favorite talks. Virtualization from an attacker …


[CTF] ECW CTF 2023 - Pwn challenges write-ups

RandoriSec 45 min

Every year, during European Cyber Week (ECW), a two-week preselection phase is organized to qualify for the ECW Capture the Flag (CTF) finals held in Rennes on November 22 this year. Players compete in challenges from …
